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Wouldn't it be good to talk to other Arnold fans who are also on this site at the same time - hence Arnold chat

So far there is no chat engine for the webpage but you can join the irc server efnet using mirc and join #Schwarzenegger.


1. Download MiRC, you can grab it from the MiRC website @
2. Once the file is downloaded run it and a setup screen will guide you through the rest.
3. After the installation the program executed should look like this

4. Now that the screen is loaded this is the interface, go to the menu and select file/options or ALT-O if you're not already there on fresh startup.
5. Then within that box under the connect option go to ident and fill in the details and make sure that the ident server plus show ident requests is ticked.

6. Once you've done go to the connect option and now fill in the details and select an efnet server. MiRC already comes with a database of servers the one that the #schwarzenegger chat room is at is the efnet server there's quite a few of them and depending on where you are located the opropriate server should be selected. In this example we will connect to efnet telstra located in Australia.

7. Now that you've filled in those details hit the box, connect to IRC server and it should automatically connect. If you get a message that says something like 'Closing Link: (You are not authorized to use this server)' then go back to connect and try another efnet server in your list preferrably one that's located closer to you. You will eventually find one and be connected.

8. At this point you should be connected, the command line allows you to do different things one of them being joining a chatroom. so type /j #schwarzenegger [enter] now you should be in the chatroom, and that's it use the command line to chat also just type anything and hit [enter]. You will soon get the hang of it, its quite a fexible, fast and easy to use system which has been around for a long time now and was before icq.

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