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Arnold's Championship Training Secrets
Building Total Upper-Arm Massiveness

One of the great secrets that I've learned about training is that it takes maximum effort to make maximum gains. You can not build the ultimate in mass, shape and cut. Without extremely dedicated training. This is especially true if you want to develop your arms to their fullest potential.

During my competitive years I trained my arms hard all year long. For nine months I worked for more size and power. Then three months before a contest I modified my training to bring out maximum mascularity and razor-shape definition. This game plan really worked great. My training was always focused on creating more complete development. Each time I stepped on stage, I tried to show the judges more size, shape and cuts then I'd had the last time.

In the early stage of my training I worked my arms 3 times a week. I later found that arm growth comes more rapidly on a twice-a-week program. Each arm workout took a full two hours-45 minutes for triceps, 45 minutes for biceps and 30 minutes for forearms. The severity of using absolute maximum poundages on each exercise of this mass blasting routine required me to get three to four days'
Rest between arm workouts so that full recuperation and maximum growth could occur.

It takes Heavy moments to stimulate arm growth. I selected exercises on which I could use as much weight as possible. I forced my muscle to continually handle heavier and heavier work loads, which activated more muscle fibres and also increase ligament and tendon strength.

When I was training for greater arm size, I used a slight cheating motion on the last three to four reps on some exercises. Even so, I performed full movements. This is important. The muscle must fell the weight through the full range of motion so that all areas are stimulated. Let's take the barbell curl as an example.

For barbell curls I started with the wieght at arm's length at my thighs with my biceps at full stretch. I did the first three, four reps in fairly good style, but on the last three to four I used a little body motion to get the bar started and then curled it all the way to my shoulders before lowering it slowly back to the bottom, arm's-length position. Each rep was a full movement. The lower portion of my biceps got full stimulation along with the middle and upper areas. By lowering the bar in a controlled manner, I for a double benefit on each rep - a heavy construction-tension extension.

You can use this type on non strict form on the last few reps of certain triceps exercises in order to handle maximum poundages. Again, the object is to always get a full range of motion in each repetition - full stretch to full contraction.

I generally worked out six days a week on a split system, and on my two arm-training days I began with some chest work. When I used a double-split system - working out twice a day - however, I trained only arms in the morning and headed straight for the showers afterward with my arms fully pumped. My second workout was thighs and calves, which I did in the early evening.

As I outline my size building arm program, I want to point out that while I did the complete routine - triceps, biceps and forearms - in the same session you can adapt each segment as a specialization workout for that particular bodypart. For example if your biceps are well developed but your triceps aren't so hot, try the triceps exercises in this routine to bring them up to par. I often trained an area three days a week If I felt that it needed specialization.

Total-Arm Mass Program

Read the following descriptions carefully so that you understand how to perform each exercise to get the maximum benefit. Remember that each rep should include a full-range movement even if you have to use a little body motion


Clean and presses. I performed this exercise to warm up my arms, shoulders and elbows. I used only a moderate weight and did three sets of eight reps. Take a shoulder-width grip on the bar and clean the weight to your shoulders. Then press it overhead. Lower the bar to your knees and repeat.


1) Close Grip bench presses. This is one of my favourite exercises to add mass to my triceps. Do these just as you would regular bench presses only with your hands about ten inches apart and your arms closer to your torso. Lower the bar to your chest and push it back to the starting position. I did five to six sets of six to eight reps on all of my tricep-mass exercises.

2) Lat machine pushdowns. This will really add size to your triceps if you use heavy weights. Take a narrow grip on the bar and keep your elbows close to your sides. Start with the bar at your chest and push it down until your arms are perfectly straight. Do your first three or four reps in fairly good style, and then use a little upper body movement to grind out the final three to four reps.

3) Lying triceps extensions. This is about the greatest tricep builder builder there is. Lie on your back on a flat bench and hold a barbell or loaded EZ-curl bar over your chest at arm's length with your thumbs eight to ten inches apart. Lower the bar down and back behind your head and then rapidly return it to the starting position. Keep your elbows facing the ceiling throughout the exercise. You can get a slight rebound off the bench, but be careful not to smash your fingers. Hammer out six to eight reps.

4) One-arm extensions. This seldom-used exercise is one of the very best for the triceps, particularly for the inner head. Start by holding a dumbell at arm's length overhead with your upper arm close to your face. Lower the dumbell as far as possible behind your head while keeping your elbow in a fixed position, then return to the starting position and repeat. Use just enough body movement to allow you to squeeze out those last two to three reps. Switch to your other arm and repeat.


1) Heavy Barbell curls.
This is a real size builder. Use a medium grip to hit your biceps directly. The weight you choose should allow you to do the first three to four reps in good style, but your last three to four should require some body motion. I performed six to seven sets of six to eight reps on this movement and all the biceps exercises in this mass program.

2) Seated dumbell curls. I always preffered the supinated variety of this exercise. I started with my palms facing my body and rotated them upwards as I curled the dumbells so that I got the full supinating action. I did not brace my back as this gave me more freedom of movement for those final reps. Always be sure to go all the way up for a full contraction at the top, then lower dumbells slowly all the way down

3) Preacher curls. This exercise was popularized by Larry Scott, and it really blasts the biceps into new growth. I used to turn the bench around so that my arms hung straight down, as this allowed me to handle more weight. Take a somewhat closer grip than you use on heavy barbell curls and keep your elbows in the same position throughout the exercise. Lower the bar all the way down and get a slight rebound as you curl it all the way to the top. Your biceps will be aching and gorged with blood after this one.

That concludes my rough, tough and rugged upper-arm building program. After tricpes and biceps I worked forearms. This type of saturation bombing routine requires three to four days' rest for full recuperation and growth. In addition keep in mind that to increase your arm size, you must gain weight. Although the exact figure may varey from one person to the next, it it generally takes a ten pound weight gain to add one inch of arm size. In order to gain weight, I ate more often - up to six meals a day, one meal every three hours and I increased my calorie intake from 1500 to 2000 a day.

Arnold's Upper-Arm Blast

Close-grip bench presses 5-6 x 8
Lat machine pushdowns 5-6 x 6-8
One-arm extensions 6 x 6

Heavy barbell curls 6-7 x 6-8
Seated dumbell curls 5-6 x 6-8
Preacher curls 5-6 x 6-8

Precontest Upper-Arm blast

Even though I tried to get all the definition possible during my pre-contest phase, I still used as much weight as I could in strict form, and I was constantly trying to do one more rep and add poundage. This is how I kept my size up while my bodyweight went down.
Three months before a contest I changed my arm routine completely in order to chisel in all the cuts and shape I could get. I cut down on my sets and began using supersets to get a maximum pump and burn at each workout. I did four sets of eight to 10 reps on every exercise in the following routine:

superset 1
Incline dumbell curls
Lat machine pushdowns

Superset 2
Standing alternate curls
One-arm extensions

Superset 3
Preacher curls
Lying triceps extensions

Superset 4
Reverse triceps pushdowns
Concentration curls

I performed this workout three times a week, and I did the growth routine twice a week. This is a very sever form of training, and it will shock your arms into new hypertrophy, but it's for advanced bodybuilders only. If that's your level of training and you're looking for more upper-arm size, give my twice a week upper-arm program a try. It may be the answer to your quest for ultimate gains.

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