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Some terms so you can get a grip on some of the bodybuilding areas

* Bulking Up: Gaining bodyweight by adding both fat & muscle, a once common practice no longer in vogue among knowledgeable bodybuilders.

* Burn: The burning sensation in a muscle that comes from the lactic acid and pH buildup resulting from exercising the muscle to failure.

* Cheat: When muscle fatigue begins to set in or the weight is too heavy, some athletes employ body english or 'improper' form to make the lift, using surrounding muscle groups or even momentum to assist in the movement.

* Close Sport: Standing by, alert and erady to assist promptly if called upon by someone performing an exercise.

* Circuit Training: A workout technique in which the individual goes from one exercise to another. one set per movement per round, with minimal rest, thus giaing some aerobic benefit at the expense of maximal stregth gains.

* Cramping: Exercising a muscle using shortened movements that causes a muscle to cramp, contracting painfully perhaps to the point of temporary fatigue to achieve a greater pump.

* Cutting Up: Stripping the body of excess bodyfat while retaining maximum muscularity. Also can be called Ripped, Shredded, Sliced, etc.

* Flush: To increase the blood supply to a muscle, thereby brining in more nurients.

* Forced Reps: Additional repetitions of an exercise performed with the help of a partner when you're unable to do anymore reps on your own.

* Free Hand Movement: Any exercise that can be performed without exercise equipment, using only your bodyweight, such as a push-up or squat without weight.

* Glutes: A shortend version of gluteus maximus, the largest of the muscles forming each of the human buttocks.

* Flat: Describes muscles that have lost their fullness, commonly caused by overtraining, undertraining or a lack of nutrients and water.

* Isolation: A technique that focuses work on an individual muscle without secondary or assisting muscle groups being involved, which provides maximal muscle shape. A good example is the seated dumbbell concentration curl.

* Lean Body Mass: Fat Free body tissue, comprising mostly muscle. Lean mass is the primary determinant of the body's basal metabolism (calories you burn at rest). In healthy men, bodyfat (bodyweight minus lean body mass) ranges from 8-12%; in women, 18-22%.

* Mass: Size - lots of it. If you train hard and eat right, you can add muscle. A growing bodybuilder's favorite word!

* Muscle Confusion: A technique to counteract the cessation of growth that occurs when muscles adapt to the training demands placed upon them. To keep the body growing and getting stronger, a bodybuilder needs to vary his/her sets, reps, rest, weight used and exercise angles during each workout.

* One Rep Max (1RM): Your absolute strength in a given movement. Powerlifting competitions are a test of 1RM strength. For many bodybuilders, especially beginners, 1RM training is harmful because of the higher risk of injury. A weight that you can just complete in 10 reps is a good approximation for most people of 75% of their 1RM.

* Peak: As a bodybuilder prepares for a contest, he/she cuts bodyfat to an unusually low level to bring out maximum muscularity that can be maintained for only a short time, usually only a few days.

* Periodization: Also called Cycle Training, a predetermined approach to strength and muscle building in which bodybuilders train light for several weels, then heavier, and then really heavy, and the process is cycled. Helps avoid injury and burnout.

* Progressive Overload: Gradually adding more resistance during strength training exercises as your stregth increase.

* Pump: The look and feeling a bodybuilder experiences when his/her muscles engorge with blood as the result of intense exercise.

* Ripped: A condition of extremely low bodyfat with superior muscle separation and vascularity. Variations include sliced, cut, and cross-straited.

* Set: A unit of exercise measurement consisting of a movement that is repeated a desired number of time.

* Shredded: To get ripped, to have extremely low bodyfat with superior muscle separation. Also, sliced, cut, and cross-straited.

* Vascular: The visibility of veins on a bodybuilder as a result of exercise and low bodyfat (and perhaps higher blood volume).

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